Counseling & Test Guide

Individual Counseling
You can expand the extent of self-understanding by solving your psychological hardships through meeting with a professional counselor.
Counseling topics vary from psychological health, education and career, family to friend and intimate relationships, personality, school life adjustment, and more.Information shared during counseling sessions is kept strictly confidential.
  • 1 session/week, 50 minutes/session, around 20 sessions
  1. Fill out application
  2. Take tests
  3. Intake interview
  4. Waiting period for counselor assignment
  5. Proceed with counseling
Group Counseling

Around 10 participants and a professional counselor meet weekly to create a comforting and supporting environment for each participant’s personal growth.

  1. Recruitment Notice
  2. Visit or Email application
  3. Proceed with counseling
Psychological Test

Standardized psychological tests can assist in objectively identifying your mood, stress level, personality, aptitude, and more.
The following tests are currently available in English: BDI, BAI, and SCT

Personality Test
Career/aptitude Test
Holland Code Career Test, CTI
Intelligence Test
Projective Test
Rorschach Test, TAT, HTP, SCT
  1. Fill out application
  2. Take tests
  3. Process test results(1~2 weeks)
  4. Proceed with counseling
    - Test interpretation